So, my wife and I were having a difficult discussion last night about my recent visit to see our accountant. He had made an error on our tax form compounded by my own faux pas. You see, I wasn't quite in tune with how much the IRS wanted out each of my paychecks last year and my accountant mistakenly left dependents in his original formula when trying to figure out our taxes. After making the mandated adjustments to our tax return, we were indebted to Uncle Sam far beyond any checking account associated with us could bear.
Of course, being no surprise to anyone who knows me, this precipitated a conversation about how our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves, how the 16th amendment was a horrible progressive abomination, and how this is a direct assault on our individual liberty. This was quickly followed by rants on how every real American should be marching on the steps of the Capitol against this tyranny. Before you think this is extreme, I would like to bring this into its proper perspective.
The idea that an agency within our federal government, a limited governing body created by us, could make its own rules to take from us at will, with no simple recourse by us to stop them from doing so, is an absurdity. There are mechanisms within our Constitution to fund our central government and I understand the necessity. However,