The challenges facing America today seem to have more to do with internal disorder rather than any outside force; unless, of course, you consider satanic forces as external. Yes, there are bad politicians, horrible propagandists, evil educators, and insane groups in our nation, but those are just symptoms of the disease. The answer lies in getting to the root of this cancer and healing from within.
Our hope, then, is in a true American revival. We need a miracle; we need God. In other words, those who live in this country, the citizens of each state, have a moral obligation to seek the truth about our American principles that made this country so desirable for humanity and learn how to defend it! The Liberty with which we have been so blessed, is in peril of being lost. I believe education followed by action is the key. This precious gift of Liberty from God has been protected and defended by generations of Americans and can only be preserved if our countrymen (that includes you ladies) are willing to be vigilant and stand firm. There have been cracks in the wall from the start, but our foundation can remain firm and built upon if we do the work. We must be willing to stand guard and protect Liberty so that future generations will be free. To do that, however, we must understand the principles of Liberty and how to identify infringements upon it. My hope is that my story may be of value and help others in their own journeys towards this much needed revival.
Each one of us who lives in this country has our own unique perspective on the American experience. However, no matter where we came from, who are ancestors were, what are ethnicity is, what our history has been, we should all share that common bond of being American. For me, the past 20 years have been especially eye-opening and have brought me to a place I want to share with you. My hope is that this will help you reflect on your own personal life and examine whether you are living the life God wants of you. I believe we have an obligation to honor Him and work towards generations of people who do the same. If we do not tarry, our nation has a chance to break free from what I see as a very bleak and dark future. So, allow me to open a condensed version of my story so that you gain an understanding of my personal perspective.
I was born in Miami, Florida and had what most would call a middle-class American dream experience as a boy growing up in the 60’s and 70’s in America. My parents fled communist Cuba in 1959 and I came to learn about their experiences and history in small bite-sized pieces over the decades. It wasn’t until recently, after my parents’ deaths, that I came to learn even more. At the time of their exodus from Havana, they were in their mid-thirties. I cannot imagine the difficulties involved in having to leave everything they had built in their lives to that point, then proceed to plant a growing family in a foreign land. They had the foresight to see the communist takeover coming, but that meant uprooting, leaving family and friends, business, money, and property behind. The upside, of course, is that they were able to come to America, home of the brave and land of the free. Their hope lay in the prospect of rebuilding their lives in a land that gave them the opportunity to do so in freedom. As for me, I was the beneficiary of their decision to seek freedom. My life would have been very different had they not escaped tyranny. In many ways, I was insulated from their plight and rescued from a danger I never knew. I did not see the turmoil, trials, and heartbreaks they had experienced. Because of their journey to freedom, I was able to live the American dream – and took much of it for granted.